Pick the Right Cage Size for Your Parrot

yellow, green, and blue parrot

When you’re a new­bie in the par­rot world, pick­ing the right cage might seem daunt­ing. Like pick­ing a house for your­self, but with feath­ers. Let’s make it easy, shall we?

Understanding Your Parrot’s Needs

Par­rots are delight­ful and intel­li­gent com­pan­ions, but ensur­ing their well-being begins with pro­vid­ing them with the right cage. Think of it as their sanc­tu­ary, where they eat, play, rest, and occa­sion­al­ly plot world dom­i­na­tion (just kid­ding!). Here’s what you need to con­sid­er:

  • Space to Move
    You would­n’t like to live in a clos­et, would you? Sim­i­lar­ly, par­rots need ample space to spread their wings, play, and jump around. A roomy cage ensures they get the exer­cise they need to stay healthy and hap­py.
  • Enough Room for Toys
    Just like tod­dlers, par­rots love their toys. A suit­able cage size ensures there’s enough room for swings, bells, and oth­er play­things to keep their intel­li­gent minds engaged.
  • Safe­ty Con­cerns
    While big­ger cages are bet­ter in many ways, too much space between bars can let your par­rot sneak out or get stuck. Be wary of this, as safe­ty should always be a pri­or­i­ty.
  • Clean­li­ness
    Par­rots can be messy eaters. A right-sized cage is eas­i­er to clean, mak­ing your life sim­pler. You’ll thank us for this when it’s time for a scrub!

Different Parrot, Different Cage

Par­rots come in var­i­ous sizes and per­son­al­i­ties, and their cage require­ments reflect this diver­si­ty. Here are some rec­om­men­da­tions for dif­fer­ent par­rot species:

  • Bud­gies
    These lit­tle ones might be small, but they’re mighty active. A cage of 18“x18“x24” works won­ders for their ener­getic nature.
  • African Greys
    Brainy and beau­ti­ful, African Greys need space to think and explore. Aim for a 24“x36“x48” abode to accom­mo­date their intel­li­gence.
  • Cock­a­toos
    The dra­ma queens of the par­rot world. Give them a stage: 36“x48“x60”. This gen­er­ous space allows them to show off their flam­boy­ant per­son­al­i­ties.
  • Macaws
    The giants need room to stretch their wings. Go big, at least 36“x48“x60”, or even larg­er, to ensure they have the free­dom they require.

Now that you’ve got a grip on the basics let’s explore some more con­sid­er­a­tions for a par­rot’s per­fect abode.

Cage Placement in Your Home

Choos­ing the right cage isn’t just about size and design; where you place it in your home mat­ters too. Here are some tips:

  • Stay Away from Win­dows
    While it might seem tempt­ing to place your par­rot’s cage by the win­dow, avoid it. Drafts can make your feath­ery friend sick, and no one wants a sneez­ing par­rot!
  • Keep Them Cen­tral
    Par­rots are social crea­tures. Plac­ing their cage in a busy area of your home can keep them hap­py and chat­ty. They’ll enjoy being part of the house­hold’s dai­ly activ­i­ties.
  • Avoid the Kitchen
    As much as your par­rot might love to watch you cook, it’s not safe for them. Cook­ing fumes and par­rots don’t mix well, so choose anoth­er room to keep them safe.
  • Qui­et Nights
    Ensure your par­rot’s cage is placed in a qui­et spot for night-time. A rest­ed par­rot is a hap­py par­rot, and you’ll both appre­ci­ate a good night’s sleep!

Materials Matter

Now, let’s talk about the mate­ri­als used in mak­ing par­rot cages. The choice of mate­ri­als plays a sig­nif­i­cant role in your par­rot’s health and safe­ty. Here’s what you need to know:

  • Stain­less Steel
    Stain­less steel cages are durable, easy to clean, and rust-free. They are con­sid­ered the gold stan­dard for par­rot cages due to their excel­lent com­bi­na­tion of strength and hygiene.
  • Wrought Iron
    Wrought iron cages are also a pop­u­lar choice. How­ev­er, it’s cru­cial to ensure they are pow­der-coat­ed to pre­vent rust. Rust can be harm­ful to your par­rot’s health.
  • Avoid Lead & Zinc
    It’s essen­tial to steer clear of cages made with mate­ri­als like lead and zinc, as they can be tox­ic to par­rots. These mate­ri­als are a big no-no when it comes to cage con­struc­tion.
  • Wood­en Cages
    While wood­en cages can be aes­thet­i­cal­ly pleas­ing, they are not as durable as met­al ones. Addi­tion­al­ly, your par­rot might nib­ble its way out of a wood­en cage, mak­ing it a less secure option.

Now that we’ve cov­ered mate­ri­als, let’s move on to addi­tion­al fea­tures to con­sid­er when select­ing a cage for your feath­ered com­pan­ion.

Additional Features to Consider

When you’re shop­ping for a par­rot cage, it’s not just about the cage itself. Con­sid­er these addi­tion­al fea­tures to ensure your par­rot’s com­fort and well-being:

  • Remov­able Trays
    Look for cages with remov­able trays. These make clean­ing a breeze, and main­tain­ing a clean cage is vital for your par­rot’s health.
  • Mul­ti­ple Doors
    Cages with mul­ti­ple doors are handy for var­i­ous pur­pos­es. You can use them to place toys, food, or even give your par­rot a high-five (if they’re in the mood!).
  • Locks
    Par­rots are clever crea­tures, and some of them can be quite the escape artists. Hav­ing locks on the cage doors can pre­vent an unplanned escape and ensure your par­rot stays safe­ly inside.
  • Wheel­base
    If you’d like the flex­i­bil­i­ty to move your par­rot’s cage around your home, con­sid­er one with

    a wheel­base. This allows for easy move­ment, and your par­rot can have its lit­tle tour around the house.

Setting Up the Interior

Once you have the per­fect cage, it’s time to set up the inte­ri­or to make it a com­fort­able and engag­ing space for your par­rot. Here’s what you’ll need:

  • Perch­es
    Par­rots love to perch, and they ben­e­fit from hav­ing perch­es of vary­ing sizes and tex­tures. This helps keep their feet healthy and their minds active. Nat­ur­al wood perch­es are an excel­lent choice as they mim­ic their nat­ur­al envi­ron­ment.
  • Water & Food Dish­es
    Ensure that the water and food dish­es are eas­i­ly acces­si­ble and easy to clean. Stain­less steel or ceram­ic dish­es are hygien­ic and safe choic­es.
  • Toy Place­ment
    Par­rots are play­ful crea­tures. When plac­ing toys in the cage, make sure they are not too high or too low. The goal is to cre­ate an envi­ron­ment that’s just par­rot per­fect!
  • Mir­rors
    Par­rots often enjoy look­ing at them­selves in mir­rors. Includ­ing a mir­ror or two in the cage can pro­vide enter­tain­ment and men­tal stim­u­la­tion for your feath­ered friend.

Regular Maintenance is Key

Remem­ber, own­ing a par­rot comes with respon­si­bil­i­ties, and reg­u­lar main­te­nance of their cage is essen­tial. Here are some main­te­nance tips to keep in mind:

  • Dai­ly Clean­ing
    Make it a habit to wipe down sur­faces and change the paper lin­ing in the cage dai­ly. This helps keep the cage clean and free of debris.
  • Week­ly Deep Clean­ing
    Once a week, set aside time for a thor­ough cage clean­ing. Scrub sur­faces, replace bed­ding, and san­i­tize dish­es to keep germs at bay.
  • Inspect for Dam­ages
    Reg­u­lar­ly check the cage for wear and tear. Look for any loose parts, rust, or dam­age that could pose a safe­ty haz­ard to your par­rot. Safe­ty always comes first!
  • Rotate the Toys
    Keep things fresh and excit­ing for your feath­ered friend by rotat­ing their toys reg­u­lar­ly. This pre­vents bore­dom and ensures they stay men­tal­ly engaged.

With these main­te­nance tips in mind, you’ll be well-equipped to pro­vide a safe and com­fort­able home for your beloved par­rot.


Choos­ing the right cage for your par­rot is a cru­cial step in pro­vid­ing them with a hap­py and healthy life. It’s like set­ting up their very own palace, where they’ll eat, play, sleep, and occa­sion­al­ly engage in some play­ful antics (world dom­i­na­tion is just a par­rot’s fan­ta­sy, after all!). Remem­ber to con­sid­er their size, species, and indi­vid­ual needs when select­ing a cage.

By under­stand­ing your par­rot’s require­ments, choos­ing the right mate­ri­als, con­sid­er­ing addi­tion­al fea­tures, and main­tain­ing their cage with care, you’re not just giv­ing them a place to live—you’re pro­vid­ing them with a safe and enrich­ing envi­ron­ment they can thrive in. Hap­py par­rot­ing!


How often should I replace my par­rot’s cage?
Gen­er­al­ly, it’s rec­om­mend­ed to replace your par­rot’s cage every 5–7 years, or when you notice sig­nif­i­cant wear and tear. Reg­u­lar inspec­tions will help you deter­mine when it’s time for an upgrade.
Can I house two par­rots in one cage?
Hous­ing two par­rots in one cage can be pos­si­ble, depend­ing on their size and tem­pera­ment. How­ev­er, always ensure there’s ample space and mon­i­tor their behav­ior close­ly. Aggres­sion between par­rots can be a con­cern in shared liv­ing spaces.
How can I pre­vent my par­rot from get­ting bored in its cage?
Pre­vent­ing bore­dom in your par­rot’s cage involves offer­ing a vari­ety of toys and reg­u­lar­ly rotat­ing them. Intro­duce new perch­es, puz­zles, and inter­ac­tive toys to keep their minds engaged. Addi­tion­al­ly, pro­vide out-of-cage time for exer­cise and social inter­ac­tion.
Do par­rots pre­fer hor­i­zon­tal or ver­ti­cal cage bars?
Par­rots gen­er­al­ly pre­fer hor­i­zon­tal bars because they allow for climb­ing and play. Hor­i­zon­tal bars pro­vide a more nat­ur­al envi­ron­ment for them, resem­bling tree branch­es in the wild.
What’s the best way to intro­duce a par­rot to a new cage?
When intro­duc­ing your par­rot to a new cage, place their favorite toys and famil­iar items inside. Allow them to explore the cage at their own pace. Patience is key, as some par­rots may take time to adjust to their new envi­ron­ment.